Monday, March 14, 2005

Holiday Wreath

I was driving around a couple days ago when I saw the most horrific site ever. A holiday wreath still plastered on some dumbasses car in the middle of march. Ok I will admit up front that I not a big wreath fan, nor do I condone putting those bastards on the front of your car. But leaving my bias aside for just one minute. You got to realize that this person had a fucking holiday wreath on their car (Lincoln Navigator) in the middle of march. How the fuck do you reach that point. I can see leaving your christmas lights up for six month, but a wreath on your car is just plain stupid. You know because wreaths are so hard to get off your damn car. The lady driving the car (no shock here) could accidentally get her purse caught on the damn wreath while walking by and pull it off. Its not fucking hard. Just rip the bastard off. Why must you leave it on? If I see this bastard in July im personally gonna back into this wench. I'm totally serious. Now I'm not being harsh because if it was lets say.......... January 2nd maybe January 3rd I would let this slide. But, March..........March. This is a total abuse of holiday wreath privileges. Its literally an outrage. How am I going to sleep tonight. Fucking holiday wreaths


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