Wednesday, March 09, 2005


I got a cold the other day and had to run down to the drugstore to pick up some cold medicine. I'm a big fan of nyquil, it usually puts you right to sleep making the cold go by that much quicker. Anyways I found the box of Nyquil gel caps that had twenty in a box. I get home and rip the little bastard open...Sliding out the little six pack of Nyquil which is on a perforated tin sheet. In each little square of Nyquil there are two pills and there's six squares per sheet and two sheets in a box. If your doing the math at home thats 6x2(pills)= 12 per sheet(allegedly). So total there should be 24 pills in the box. However, Nyquil has cleverly swapped one square of pills with a square filled with air. What the fuck is this. Honestly, how is a packet of air going to help me sleep. You put six squares in the freaking pack, you might as well put some pills in there. Can someone please explain this to me. Its the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever to help you get screwed in the ass medicine. Thanks, but if I wanted a packet of air I would of walked my lazy ass outside. Plenty of free fucking air outdoors and you dont have to spend five minutes trying to open it.
Who are the dumbasses who came up with this idea. If you know, have seen, or have heard anything about these marketing wizards who has came up with this brilliant idea of packaging air please let me know because I want to drop these bastards of a bridge.


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